Spring asthenia
1997/06/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In some people the autumn causes depression (what we will talk about next time), after the summer the postholiday syndrome appears and, therefore, together with the spring, the asthenia. In general, all of them are a consequence of the variations in temperature and light associated with changing seasons, clear and clear examples that our body responds much more than we believe to all those changes. They are not, therefore, manias of a few or false convictions that are transmitted from generation to generation in the mouth of the people, but real facts that condition our daily life and shape the human being as something that produces and integrates nature.
What is asthenia?
As previously mentioned, the increase in fatigue, the feeling of physical and psychic exhaustion and the unjustified sadness that manifests itself are the characteristics of asthenia. The asthenic person perceives a great tiredness, even if he does the least effort or effort and is usually more irritating than normal.
Doctors do not consider it as a depressive situation, but, however, the folly, melancholy, and runoff they suffer in this alteration are very similar to the symptoms that the depressed person usually has.
Why does it appear?
Although the exact reason for this situation is still not well known, some specialists consider that it is due to external factors as a prolonged effort, the monotony of work, to what extent something pleasant occurs or not, the lack of stimuli or incentives or an inadequate feeding. For others, however, the syndrome would be influenced by internal modifications, such as biological imbalances caused by seasonal change.

People affected by spring tiredness syndrome, men and women, have usually been subjected to serious problems and responsibilities for a long period of time, forcing them to live in a state of excessive tension. The arrival of spring, or rather, the change in a warmer time of the year, acts as an initiator or explosive, burning the wick of the sleeping pump. The body, accustomed to winter roughness, is peeled more or less before the new weather map that announces the sun and temperatures above twenty degrees.
The seasonal change affects sixty percent of the population, but it is the people over the age of 60 who are most affected, while those under the age of 20 are those who least perceive the influence of the climatic variations produced by the change from winter to spring.
What does it feel?
Spring asthenia produces a series of discomfort that the patient will suffer for a relatively long time. The most common are:
- Decrease in intellectual capacity. It costs to concentrate, coordinate ideas and sometimes memory is reduced. Often, astenic people are distracted and forget the data, facts, and names they formerly controlled with ease.
- Excitability. Even with the most cheerful event, the astenic person usually has very exaggerated reactions: at first very happy, but then slowness, apathy and indifference.
- They are usually hypochondriac, although only in seasons. They are very concerned about their situation, always thinking they are affected by some serious illness.
- Headaches, especially after an intellectual effort.
- Sensations of vertigo and ringing in the ears.
- Diarrhea and abdominal pain may appear.
- Significant decrease in sexual potency and libido.
- Sleep disorders that can be very varied: difficulties to fall asleep, premature awakening (at dawn), having nightmares or having a very light sleep.
- The hands and feet are often cold and sweat.
- Tachycardias and changes in blood pressure.
What can be done?
Probably most of us have noticed in previous years the symptoms mentioned above, but we have not known what they were derived from. So that this year does not surprise you spring (and then summer) we recommend:
- It rests like that of the body and also the psychic. Perhaps you should have a nap in the afternoon, but not more than twenty minutes.
- Do not abuse alcohol, coffee, or tea, but may cause incentives in one or two cups of the last two drinks.
- Do not leave the daily tasks, but do them little by little and with the necessary breaks.
- Practice physical exercise: walking and practicing moderate sports help balance body and mind and fight insomnia.
- Lie down to shower each morning with warm (or even cold) water and bathe showers and baths with very hot water.
- Take care of the feeding and try to make it sufficient for the physical activity you perform, but not too much or difficult to digestion.
Vitamins can be of great helpThe scarcity of vitamins can lead to situations of fatigue and apathy. Therefore, the following are indicated where vitamins can be found:

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