
Ozone generating rays

2003/03/20 Elhuyar Zientzia

Due to the rays, during the summer time there is a significant increase in nitrogen oxides and ozone in the upper part of the atmosphere. These amounts are increased by 90% and 30% respectively. This means that the influence of the rays on this atmospheric layer is greater than that of the human being.

In general, human activity is the main source of nitrogen oxides. However, this nitrogen oxide accumulates mainly in the lower layers of the atmosphere, forming ozone near the Earth, in this case polluting. Although what is above in the atmosphere protects us from ultraviolet rays, the lower is harmful to the environment and health.

However, in the upper layers of the atmosphere, the rays are responsible for most of the oxides of nitrogen and ozone. The greater part produced by the human being is consumed before it reaches above.

The research, conducted by the University of Texas and NASA, has revealed that the amount of nitrogen oxide produced by lightning is considerable. In the United States it is only 5% of the annual generation, but it has a great influence on this atmospheric layer.

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