
Monkey and man: where is the difference?

2002/04/12 Orobengoa, Olatz - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

A few years ago scientists studied the genomes of man and chimpanzee and concluded that we are equal in 98.7%. Given their similarity, how can they be so different animals?
The biggest difference between chimpanzee and man occurs in the brain.

From this question, scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig started an investigation a year ago. In human tissues, chimpanzee and rhesus macaco have been analyzed the manifestations of genes, not genes.

As expected, a similar level of expression in blood and liver has been observed in humans and chimpanzees, and different in macaco. In the brain the results are totally different. The expressions of chimpanzee and human genes are very different. According to scientists, there can be the uniqueness of each species. That is, the gene has a lot to see when, where and how they are activated
when differentiating species.

All mammals have enormous genetic similarities. Therefore, it is important to compare the human being with close relatives such as the chimpanzee, since their differences will indicate what characteristics are especially those related to the human being.

But to know the extent of genetic differences it is necessary to know what happens in the head of the chimpanzee. They are known to have primitive language and minimal learning ability, but you still cannot know what kind of thinking the chimpanzee may have.

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