
Pigs by man

1995/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

At Cambrigde University they are concerned about human organ transplantation. Although in some cases it is the only solution, the shortage of organ donors and the degree of acceptability that the patient can have from a given organ totally condition the use of this solution.

All this would be easily overcome if “production” were possible and as many organs as desired. The use of the organs of pigs is one of the solutions studied so far, but the human body does not equally admit all the organs of pigs. Taking into account these conditions, Cambrigde’s researchers have posed themselves as “masculinization” of pigs that can be used for transplants.

Think and do it. After the introduction of human genes in 200 pigs, the transplant was carried out. They have just announced that the manipulated organs generated a lower degree of recusal than the unmanipulated ones. There is no doubt that it will remain a path that must be treated seriously.

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