
Transgenic pigs for baboons

2004/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Swine kidney transplanted baboons survive 30 days, while genetically modified kidney transplantations have exceeded 81 days in the United States. In fact, in pig cells there is a sugar molecule (alpha-1, 3 galactose) that produces a strong response from the immune systems of humans and baboons, and that has been eliminated by the genetic modification of pig organs. Consequently, they have managed to eliminate the immune response and that the body does not reject the organ.

Although baboon transplants are even more effective than xenotransplant pork baboons, U.S. researchers consider this work to be a breakthrough in animal to human organ transplants. However, the road may be long, as before you start you will have to solve other difficulties, such as the complications and ethical problems that arise later.

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