
Transgenic incidents

2004/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Some researchers point out that the genes of transgenic crops can be extended to the plants of adjacent lands.

Some researchers point out that the genes of transgenic crops can be extended to the plants of adjacent lands. This information has been published after a study on corn plants designed for the manufacture of anti-insect toxins.

In this study, genetically modified corn was found on a plot surrounded by common corn. The plants around did not produce toxins themselves, but after passing a generation, some plants began to produce. The researchers found that they had modified genes. In the lands closest to transgenic maize, the largest number of infected plants were found. According to experts, the growth standards of transformed plants can be modified.

For its part, Monsanto, a biotechnology giant, has abandoned its plans to expand GM wheat. The company has spent millions of dollars to develop this type of wheat, but producers in this sector believe they will have marketing problems. They consider that the fight against GMOs can harm exports, especially in Europe.

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