
Plastic changing color under tension

2009/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Plastic changing color under tension
01/07/2009 | Elhuyar
(Photo: D. Stevenson, A. Jerez, A. Hamilton & D. Davis)

It can be a way to visually separate materials that will break

Scientists at the University of Illinois have developed a solid polymer that changes color by undergoing mechanical forces. To do this, special polymers known as mecanoforos have been introduced into the plastic. These molecules have annular shape and, when they support mechanical strength, the rings break. The color of the polymer changes when broken.

The main novelty of this study was the color change in solid polymers. The behavior described by the mecanofoto is the first time they got it two years ago. Then they worked with polymers dissolved in water.

Solid polymers that change color when under stress can have multiple applications. In fact, it is very useful to know if a certain piece of plastic is supporting or running more tensions than necessary.


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