
Tanzania's Paradise, Ngorongoro

2010/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Tanzania's Paradise, Ngorongoro
01/03/2010 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Recent searches

Travelers fascinated by wildlife are heading to the African continent as a preferred destination and Tanzania is a must-have country for living and enjoying nature alive. One of its most important natural sites is the Ngorongoro Conservation Center. With an area of 8,300 km 2, four times the extension of Gipuzkoa, is located in the region of Arusha, north of the country.

The heart of this protected area is the Ngorongoro crater. Of 20 km of diameter, it is known as the paradise of Tanzania. The volcano went out thousands of years ago and now its interior is an important reserve of wild animals: Africa is a living sample of fauna from all over the continent: zebras, gazelles, elephants, antelopes, pink flamingos, lions... An estimated 25,000 mammals and birds live throughout the crater.

(Photo: wwarby)

Currently, the only people authorized to live in this protected space are massages. They live at the base of the volcano. Dressed in their elegant red robes and ivory necklaces, they graze the cattle on the plain of the savannah, always ready to offer a smile to the traveler.

A spectacular world