
Benefits of teamwork

2002/12/23 Elhuyar Zientzia

The photo goose ends its journey to the South. Like many other birds, the geese migrate in autumn to the south. After spending the winter in temperate lands, in spring they return to the north, so until then there will be no possibility to see how the geese of the Basque Country break.

Anyway, have you ever wondered why they fly in group and V-shaped? It seems that they help each other and have to make less force against the air. It is estimated that, in the form of V, the flight is 70% more effective than the solo flight. Of course, the one who goes first has to do more force than the rest, but when he gets tired, another takes his place. In addition, those behind still scream to cheer on their predecessors, so they are so bustling.

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