
Structure of the protein producer in sight

2001/03/30 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

After half a century of work, researchers at the University of California have explained in the journal Science the structure of the cell's protein producer. The ribosome of all cells is a basic biological machine, since it returns the genetic code that contains the DNA and makes it a protein and so far have not managed to fully unravel its complex structure.

More than 50 proteins and several RNA make up this blood cell with two subunits. Although the structure of both subunits was known, the current study shows the structure of the entire blood cell, as well as the existing range in the subunits. It is the period of protein production.

It is striking that the components of the ribosomes that produce proteins are made with RNA. Enzymes that catalyze the chemical reactions necessary for life are proteins. Although many researchers considered that RNA had a great importance in ribosome function, in protein synthesis ribosomal RNA is an active component has not been so clear so far.

The new image of ribosome has been obtained by X-ray crystallography. This has allowed us to see in more detail the three-dimensional structure of the ribosome and to know the components that carry out the basic functions. For example, twelve chemical bridges have been observed between the two subunits, most related to ribosomal RNA. In addition, it was possible to know where the connection between the RNA and the ribosome is made. To fulfill its function, the mobile structure of ribosome has shown the structural changes of ribosome in protein synthesis.

On the other hand, the thorough knowledge of the structure and functioning of the ribosome opens new paths. In fact, many antibiotics are associated with bacterial ribosome and prevent their protein production. In the future, and after the steps taken, better antibiotics can be designed in the fight against bacteria.

However, given the complexity and importance of protein production, research leader Harry Noller does not understand why ribosome does not use proteins instead of RNA. In his opinion, the answer would provide information on the origin of life.

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