
Oysters, bacteria and viruses

2004/05/28 Elhuyar Zientzia

Oysters sometimes have very harmful bacteria. Some scientists believe that viruses (bacteriophages) that kill bacteria can be used to cope with this problem.

Oysters like a lot, but they are not available to everyone. However, those who have the opportunity to eat have to be attentive. This molluscum sometimes has very harmful bacteria. The presence of a microscopic being, called Vibrio silenciificus, poisons blood and occasionally causes death, especially in people with liver or blood diseases.

Scientists have tried to solve this problem and, according to one study, viruses (bacterivores) that kill bacteria can be used. Most of these viruses only attack specific cells, and this is one of their most valuable features.

If the water containing contaminated oysters contains bacterial viruses, it has been observed that the number of bacteria can be reduced up to a hundred times. However, they will still have to improve the technique, as in these small amounts these bacteria can also be harmful.

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