Powerful disinfectant for hospital use
2002/12/27 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Although some antibiotics are initially very effective against bacteria that cause infections, over time the bacteria develop their resistance. Severe disinfectants that kill bacteria have sometimes been used, but they damaged surgical devices and caused eye and skin irritation and/or asthma in patients.
Now, the British company Medipure has presented a powerful disinfectant without side effects. The disinfectant, called Suprox, is an electrically activated sodium chloride solution.
According to inventors, it removes the cell wall from bacteria that cause infections. Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, tuberculosis bacteria... are able to kill all of them, and also bacteria do not develop their resistance to disinfectant. On the other hand, it does not cause any damage to the skin, eyes or respiratory system. What if you drink does not harm!
In addition to its usefulness in hospitals, it can be applied in other areas such as livestock and agriculture. The disinfectant is scheduled for next spring and inventors are developing a washing machine to disinfect endoscopes.

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