They have carried out a molecular schedule to know the time of the biological clock
2012/09/06 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

With the aim of facilitating the method, Japanese researchers have elaborated a schedule based on the concentrations of 58 metabolites. These metabolites are hormones and amino acids related to biological activity and have created the schedule relating their concentrations to melatonin.
The study, published in the specialized magazine PNAS, indicates that with this time it is enough to take two blood samples to a person with a margin of 12 hours and analyze them to know the person's clock. This facilitates, for example, that a patient should be told when to take the drugs according to their biological schedule.
According to Hiroki Ueda, “personalized medicine has focused on genes, but the next step will be to look at clock differences between patients.”

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