
Blood tests to detect the risk of preeclampsia

2002/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Preeclampsia or toxemia is a serious problem that can occur at the end of pregnancy. The main symptoms are high blood pressure and some metabolic disorders. The placenta may run out of food, so there is a risk that children will weigh less than enough at birth and be born early. In addition, if it is not detected in time and measures are not taken, it can be an eclampsia and the consequences are more serious for both the child and the mother.

So far, through the measurement of the woman's blood pressure during pregnancy it was known whether or not she had preeclampsia, but there was no way to diagnose it. Recently, researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital (USA) have presented an easy way to detect the risk of preeclampsia. According to them, women predisposed to preeclampsia, at the beginning of pregnancy, have lower levels of SHGB proteins than usual in blood. As can be seen by normal blood tests, anticipation is much easier.

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