Biochip ensures the safety of blood transfusions
2007/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The biotechnology company Progenika Biopharma has presented the biochip BLOODchip. This biochip analyzes the blood that is prepared to be used in blood transfusions and, according to its creators, is the safest and most accurate tool for the genetic study of blood groups.
Two techniques are currently used to detect possible incompatibilities in blood transfusions: the serological method and DNA sequencing. Serological technique has limited capacity and does not detect 3% incompatibilities. DNA sequencing overcomes this drawback, but the system is slow and expensive.
BLOODchip Progenika has developed its project to overcome the disadvantages of current processes. This device detects all incompatibilities through a safer, faster and more specific analytical process compared to serological techniques. In addition, it is twenty times cheaper than DNA sequencing.

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