The same genes associated with obesity have been identified in dogs of the breed labrador and in humans
2025/03/11 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Dogs of the British breed Labrador have been investigated at the University of Cambridge (UK) and, in addition to identifying certain genes related to the propensity to develop obesity, they have also been shown to have these genes in humans. In addition, a similar effect has been observed in both species. The study has been considered significant because the dog and the humans who care for them tend to have the same habits of life and environments, so it also serves to analyze the influence of these factors. The study was published in the journal Science.
The gene most commonly associated with obesity in dogs is called DENND1B, and humans also have this same gene. Dogs with a certain variant of the DENND1B gene accumulate 8% more fat than the rest. In any case, the researchers warn that it is not a suitable target for weight loss as a drug because it participates in important biological functions.

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