
Organic farming: less quantity, more benefits

2002/05/31 Orobengoa, Olatz - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

A group of Swiss scientists have been studying for 21 years the improvement of biological agriculture and their results have been recently published in the journal Science.

Fields have been compared with organic fertilizers and pesticides. It seems that the soil greatly appreciates the use of organic fertilizers and remains healthier: more mycorrhizae occur and microorganisms perform better their function. This facilitates the recycling of waste and facilitates the absorption of food by plants.

In addition, organic fields have greater biodiversity and more animals appear that help reduce pests. And from the energy point of view, scientists have seen that energy is also saved. Only by avoiding the use of inorganic fertilizers can save half the energy.

However, Swiss scientists want to make it clear that organic agriculture will never be able to obtain the benefits that are achieved with the conventional. Average production without chemical fertilizers is estimated to be reduced by 20%. For potato, for example, production decreases by 40%.

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