
World Environment Day

2001/06/05 Elhuyar Zientzia

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This year has also come on June 5 and therefore World Environment Day. Around this day there are various acts, declarations of good intentions, activities, protests, etc. And all are necessary if we want to preserve and protect the environment, because it is not slow work. And it can be easy to make beautiful and spectacular words and actions, but it is not easy to change the way people think and act; it is not easy to decapitate that nature is inexhaustible and that everything in it can be exploited; it is not easy to give up a series of comforts that we have associated with the way of life; it is not always easy, without reducing our quality of life, to seek new habits and resources that perpetuate the environment.

And yet all this is something we have to do. It is necessary that it be an environmental year and that measures continue to be adopted for this, as well as the creation of protected natural spaces that serve to fulfill this objective. Proper management can serve, among other things, to protect and raise awareness of certain means and species.

But the need for protection is not because “poor” nature is in danger of extinction (it will last one way or another), but because the Nature around us is wonderful and we all have the right to enjoy it. Also because it is essential for our well-being, because we eat food, water and air and because if they are not in good condition they harm us. Is it not enough reason? So let us be ours!

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