
Participants say yes to the development of nanoscience “We discuss science. Play and decide

2011/03/14 Lopez Viña, Rakel - Marketin sailaElhuyar Fundazioa

Organized by Alh ndiga Bilbao, in collaboration with the Elhuyar Foundation, citizens have been able to discuss nanotechnology at the Alhondiga in Bilbao. His conclusions have been extended to Europe within the PlayDecide project. This is the first time in Euskal Herria an initiative of this type is carried out.
Participants were able to learn, discuss, share opinions and have fun with nanotechnology
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Alh ndiga Bilbao "We discussed science. On Saturday, with the collaboration of the Elhuyar Foundation, he organized the initiative "Play and decide" within the celebrations of the International Year of Chemistry 2011. 30 people participated in the initiative. They had the opportunity to learn, debate, share opinions and have fun with nanotechnology. Attendees said goodbye to the development of nanotechnology and asked that regulation and public debate be promoted to do well. The conclusions drawn in Bilbao have also been disseminated in Eupa through the website www.playdecide.eu, and have added to what was said in other European initiatives.

The program focused on a debate game. The participants worked for two hours on nanotechnology and, in general, on technological progress, and on its impact on society: opportunities, risks, fears, measures, responsible, persuasion of society...

The initiative "Play and decide" is completed with a dynamizer and a tab
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At the end of the session, the results were added to those already commented in other PlayDecidas and it was concluded that those gathered in the Alhóndiga demand more information and public debate than the rest of Europeans. The results of all the sessions can be viewed and compared on the project website.

The "Play and Decide" initiative is based on the European PlayDecide project. The aim is to generate social debate and make the conclusions heard. For this, in addition to information, they propose a game that gives guidelines for debate and consensus. This is the first time in Euskal Herria an initiative of this type is carried out.

The organization has been satisfied with the outcome of the session and has shown its willingness to do so more often. In fact, the participants participated enthusiastically in the debate and met in Alhondiga people of different ages and profiles. "We have exchanged opinions, we have approached visions and we have demonstrated the ability to agree on a policy that has served us all to learn," said the organizers.

More information about the event and photos are available on the Elhuyar Laboratory website.

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