Path to Mercury BepiColombo
2018/11/07 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The ship BepiColombo left for Mercury on October 20 with two orbiters: Planetary Orbiter of the European Space Agency (ESA) and Magnetic Orbiter of the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA).
It will reach its target by the end of 2025. A few months earlier, the ship will release the two orbiters to catch Mercury's recordings. On the other hand, orbiters will also use the thrusters to place them in orbit and from there, collect data from the surface and interior of Mercury. The objective is to know the characteristics and evolution of the planet, such as the ice hidden in the craters or the influence of the solar wind.
As they pass through the environment of Venus, orbiters will also collect data about it. Logically, all appliances have been specially designed to withstand extreme temperatures, since the coldest ones will be about -180 ° C and the hottest ones over 450 ° C.

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