
Medicinal Pet Dogs

2000/06/04 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

The best medications do not always have pill form, lately they are also hairy and usually have legs, wings or fins. For many scientists, one of the best ways to fight diseases is to have pets. For this reason, in recent years animal based therapies are being developed to help autists, to reassure those who have heart problems, to be close to the sick of AIDS and, in general, to help the marginalized.

According to the history of medicine, pets were first used in 1792 to help in therapies and in England. The doctor Willian Tuke used dogs to teach self-control to patients who were in the grooves. Subsequently, in 1867, similar experiences with epileptics were carried out in Germany in 1944 in the hospitals of the Red Cross of the United States…. In 1960 psychiatrist Boris Levinson explained the benefits of the therapeutic use of animals. This doctor worked with children. As they entered the clinic, the children found Doctor Levinson and his dog Gingles. In the cases of very timid and closed children, Gingles served as a bridge, facilitating communication between the psychiatrist and the child.

Since the 1960s, numerous studies have been conducted on the influence of animals on human health. Since then, physical benefits have been detected – blood pressure decreases, muscles harden…- mental – anxiety and stress decreases, humour improves…- and social – it improves the relationship with others. The animals used in therapies can be from the hospital.

From the patient himself or, without more, from people of good will willing to leave their pets. According to experts, the dog is the most suitable pet, since it learns and comes to obey orders. However, other pets have been used in therapies such as cats, birds, turtles, rabbits and dolphins.

Karen Allen, a doctor at Buffalo University in New York, investigates the influence of pets and music on the person. He has been able to conclude that pets help reduce stress and maintain proper blood pressure. Allen says that when he asks patients to give talks or make calculations, blood pressure rises considerably if the one next to him is his partner or friend, while when the one next to him is a dog or a cat, blood pressure is not altered. "We believe," said Dr. Allen, "that is what happens because animals do not think, but for this it is essential to have a relationship with the animal and love the animal, which is not merely decorative." According to the researcher, it is still premature to affirm that one animal species is better than the other when improving the health of the owner.

Pets before AIDS

"Just like the animal you have, remove it! ". This is what, for years, doctors have thrown out patients with some immunological disease. Animals can transmit more than 200 diseases. That does not mean that the pet is sent from home. People with AIDS or some immune disease are often excluded and isolated by society. For this type of people, having a friend next door, for example a pet, can be fundamental to be happier. Do not forget the risk of infection so you can give advice to reduce it:

  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Keep clean the place of the pet and the pet itself.
  • If there is a risk of allergies, the pet's hair is short.
  • Avoid circulating in the kitchen area. If not possible, use disinfectants.
  • Do not touch the fluids of the pet, such as urine, poop, worm, etc. Wear cleaning gloves or others can clean them.
  • Let the animal's nails be clean.
  • Immediately clean the teeth and go to the doctor.
  • Go to the veterinarian at least once a year.
  • Use only food for animals.
  • Do not circulate through the garbage.

Dolphins: aquatic psychiatrists

Once read, someone may think that what is said only serves dogs or cats, but it also serves many other animals. One of them is the dolphin.

Many of those who work with dolphins claim that these animals are able to recognize human disability or physical trauma. How can they do it? According to scientists working in medical research, dolphins have their own sonar, send and receive sound waves that can have a lot to do with their sensitivity. Since 1989 the Aqua Thought Foundation of the State of Florida (http://www.aquathought.com) has been investigating the relationship between people and dolphins. Specifically, it is investigating the psychological, neurological and immunological changes that occur in the contact of people with dolphins. Electroencephalograms have been made and with these animals in the water changes have been found in the brain of people. The processes are not well known, but the hypothesis is that when swimming with dolphins the immune system of the person is reinforced, it affects the productive cycle of the neurotransmitters and hormonal changes are produced. The waves emitted by dolphins are believed to cause changes in cell membranes. For this reason, dolphins have been used to help children with disabilities, autists and Down syndrome. This entire line of research is called delfinotherapy and seems to have a future.

There will be few people who will not be glad to see the dolphin. It seems that there is confidence, closeness, friendship... Although the world of dolphins is still unknown, there are things that are already known. For example, they are highly evolved and are very smart. They move by ultrasound, to know what they have in front, or to "look" inside the matter. They have a very developed sense of touch, they can learn the language of gestures… and, however, there have been human beings who have no other goal than dolphin fishing.

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