
Lysenko and “scientific” ideology

2019/10/04 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Not everything is gold.Science and ideology: What a pair! Very dangerous! Science requires seeing... and in view of ideologies. They are not very compatible. How many painful examples in history! Let's see one.
Ed. Wikipedia

XX. In the mid-20th century, in the Soviet Union, Trofim Denisovich Lysenko was president of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. He did not like much the genetics of Gregor Mendel and defended another theory marginalized by biology: the inheritance of acquired characters.

Lysenko was not a good scientist, but he had another remarkable virtue: he was a great publicist. His courteous theory gave him the red color of communism. Thus, it was not another theory, but the “scientific” proof of dialectical materialism. According to Lysenko's explanation, it seemed that nature itself was communist.

Stalin was not a scientist. No need! Was it not clear that nature must necessarily be materialistic and proletarian? Bourgeois science was capitalist and therefore as bad as it was wrong. From idealism, Stalin incorporated Lysenko's theories into all teaching, and the programs used in agriculture often caused great damage.

Luckily! ), humans are not immortal and Stalin also had to die. It was then that Lysenko's canine dreams were destroyed. The rainbow of nature again had many colors.