
Unnecessary stretching

2002/08/30 Elhuyar Zientzia

Many athletes do stretches before and after the session to avoid muscle damage. However, according to a study in Australia, stretching is not as beneficial as expected.

The alleged benefits of extensions begin to spread in the 1960s. At that time, people started playing sports and then there were numerous studies on muscle physiology. The theory that stretches prevented injuries seemed logical and correct and spread widely.

Now, however, a study on erroneous theory has been published. Australian researchers have focused on five studies, three of which analyzed the consequences of post-exercise stretches and the other two previous ones. The results are eloquent: with stretching little relieves muscle pain and barely help prevent injury.

According to experts, to avoid muscle aches and injuries, it is best to do sports often and be well trained. However, when starting sports they also recognize that it is good to gradually heat the body, but it is not enough to do stretches.

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