
Working logic

1993/08/01 Angulo, Patxi | Figueiredo, L. Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Man no one wanted to hear

When the friend entered the office of his psychoanalyst, Aiete Street in San Sebastian, he came in to speak. Even when he lay down in the currency, he lay down during the conversation and while the psychoanalyst settled in the chair he spoke.

  • Oh, lady doctor! I am sad, very sad. The taxi driver who brought me has put me in depressive reflections… He is a deaf, sick taxi driver! I took the taxi in Gipuzkoa Park. I think the taxi driver was worried, and as he did not speak, I have moved away from my concern telling my family dramas, that you know well. Despite my interesting stories, the taxi driver has not answered me until he has told me: “Sir, I conclude that I want to talk to me because of the lip movements, but unfortunately that is impossible, because I am totally deaf and my earphone has not worked for me all day.” Then I was glad and quiet, and now I tell you… Why has this man depressed me?
  • Don't you think what depresses you is that that man doesn't want to hear your stories? asked the psychoanalyst about the ease with which the patient's taxi driver has been released.
  • Why do you say that? You mean it's not deaf but what proof do you have?
  • Oh! Sir, that is evident.

Why is it so obvious? If you are the psychoanalyst, how would you show that no one wants to hear the patient and that the taxi driver has deceived him?


A trader had to make a business trip. After climbing all the cargo to a boat, he was waiting for the assistant. After a few minutes, the slave does not appear. Meanwhile, the boat thought it would be very easy to get the trader to disappear in that extraordinary place and steal all his merchandise. Before thinking twice, the boat hit the trader with a quick blow and drowned there.

The murderer took the merchandise and took it home. Then he went to the merchant's house, called out and asked why the lord of the house did not go to the boat. His wife sent the servants in search of her husband, but they found no trace. When he asked the merchant's waiter, he told him that he was late to the boat and that he had not seen the house lord there.

The family reported the disappearance to the police. The police, after consulting the boat and the neighbors, did not solve the problem.

Finally the case came into the hands of a judge and took all those involved out of the room, except the woman of the merchant. She asked her wife that she was going to tell her, without hiding anything, what happened from the moment the boat went wondering about her husband.

  • It was quite a while since her husband left, the woman said, until the boat appeared and began to call. Before opening the door he asked aloud: “Housewife, why doesn’t your husband come? He will die.” These were his words.

The judge sent his wife home and interrogated the boat. This repeated his wife's version.

  • "Well, then everything is clear," said the smiling judge. The merchant has been killed and you are the murderer. You said it.
  • How? Have I recognized it? shouted the surprised boat.

How did the judge know that the killer was the boat?

Fire and flame

In the middle of the sea there is a small island. The shipwreck that has reached the place has only found a palm tree and brambles. To aggravate the situation, the island is surrounded by hungry sharks.

One day the fire has been lit on one end of the island and unfortunately the wind blows hard in that sense.

What can the shipwreck do not to burn?

Of course, Josetxo!

The Azkoitiarra Josetxo, chief scientist of the ekol-a31 space, received newly arrived orders from Earth.

  • What is the current goal, father? asked Nagore, a 12-year-old girl.
  • Near the end of the galaxy they find a new solar system. We have to go investigate.
  • And is there life on any planet?
  • Yes, I have been told that there is life on three of the first five planets closest to the main star.
  • What are we going to analyze first?
  • Fifth. Nagore applauded.
  • What a thrill! I wonder if life there is carbon based. Josetxo raised his eyebrows.
  • How do you know that the fifth planet is not one of the two sterile?

Hearing the answer to Josetxo, the face was golden.

What did Nagore answer his father?

Dark street

It is a dark street. Walls and black pavement. There are no streetlights. It is very cold. In the middle of the street, a friend walks with his ears. It has black clothes. Black hat and scarf. Black glasses in front of the eyes. Neither eyes nor teeth are seen. From the street a black car has approached him. The car has no light. The car is about to catch. It prevents it.

Why has the driver behaved like that?

Unforeseen analysis

  • Next week I'm going to take an exam - the teacher told the students on Friday. It will be in the afternoon one of the working days and will be unforeseen. Also, if someone tells me they know the date of the test, the test will not be done that day. Jon on Monday morning approached the professor and said:
  • The test will never be performed. It is clear that the exam will not take place on Friday afternoon, as we would know in the morning. But, if it is not Friday, it will be from Monday to Thursday. However, for the same reason, it cannot be Thursday either. So there are only three days left. Why continue? It can never be.

However, on Wednesday afternoon the teacher did the exam.

Why? ...

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago

Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia