Libya Libya Libya
1995/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
After traveling through the Mediterranean Sea, the turtle (Caretta caretta) that appears in the photo of page 21, will leave towards the coast of Libya, where it will lay eggs to ensure the reproduction and survival of the species. Why to Libya?

This is the question posed to anyone and it is the answer that the members of the World Wide Found are looking for. The water temperature and tranquility that turtles find on the coasts are factors that can explain the honesty with this place. About 60% of the Mediterranean careta goes to the coast of Libya to spawn.
So far, at least, it has been. However, no one can ensure that it is so in the future. Since WWF it is warned that these good coastal conditions of Libya could be modified shortly. As in other territories, tourism and fishing, that is, the abusive realization of both activities, has put in danger the form of reproduction of the Mediterranean turtles and, incidentally, survival in the species.

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