
Colors influence human memory

2002/05/06 Elhuyar Zientzia

The vision of man has a lighter and more cheerful color for the Psychology Society of America. This organization has just published how the human vision system analyzes color information. According to the experiences carried out by three American psychologists of the aforementioned association throughout Europe, the human being memorizes better the images in color than those in black and white.

The participants, in the simplest experiment, were given 48 different images to see each in a given time. Most of the photographs were decorated with flowers, plants, forests and stones. After a few minutes, participants were asked to review the 48 photographs again and asked about those remembered.

The results show that color images are saved much better than the rest. Many of the participants commented that they had never seen many black and white images. American psychologists consider that there is no special color that reinforces memory, but there is no doubt that natural colors, in general, accelerate our vision.

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