
Saved in less good colon cancer

1991/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

To prevent colon cancer in the last fifteen years, doctors have recommended the consumption of dandruff and vegetable fibers in general.

To prevent colon cancer in the last fifteen years, doctors have recommended the consumption of dandruff and vegetable fibers in general. In America, however, a study of 88,751 women aged between 34 and 59 has given other consequences. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, of 13 December 1990, between the consumption of bran and colon cancer there is no relation, neither for good nor for evil. In other words, bran does not protect against this type of cancer.

But it has a lot to do with eating beef or lamb (whatever the preparation of the meat). With these meats the risk is 2.5 times higher.

There is also a great relationship between animal fats and cancer, but none between vegetable fats and cancer. Eating chicken and fish without skin is no harm.

Bran and vegetable foods are useful, of course, but only when eaten instead of red meat. Therefore, with the ingestion of a large amount of bran and vegetable fibers, eating a lot of red meat is nothing ahead. As a result of the study conducted in America, it is recommended to eat more chicken and fish and less meat.

Remember that colon cancer is due to the high concentration of bile salts of lyserization of the meat, which degrade the colon. Bran and vegetables accelerate the passage of these salts in the intestine.

On the other hand, colon and rectal cancers are not the same in women and men, nor on both sides of the Atlantic. Rectal cancers are more abundant in Europe and those of colon in America.

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