Also chlorine to its size
1994/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Research Triangle Park, a health research organization in the United States, has conducted two years of trials with mice and rats. For two years they have supplied water containing chlorine (Cl2) and chloramine (NH2Cl), and suddenly the rate of leukemia has increased.
In a similar session, these scientists have mixed in the foods of rodents derived from chlorine (chloroform, bromodichloroform, bromodichloromethane and trihalomethane) and the conclusion is that only 1% of rats fed without chlorine derivatives contained tumors in the kidneys, but the fourth fed with chlorine derivatives was generated renal cancer. In addition, 25-90% had colon cancer.
Robert D. from Wisconsin. According to Dr. Morris, these tests have made it clear that chlorine is a cancer generator. Consequently, the US organization EPA (Environnemental Protect Agency) will take into account the chlorine rate to be mixed into drinking water.

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