
Memory of squirrels

1991/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to a study by American biologists i, gray squirrels have a surprising topological memory.

According to a study by two American biologists, gray squirrels have a surprising topological memory. Lucia Jacobs and Emily Liman of Princenton University have had a few months inside the closure of a park of about ten gray squirrels.

Every day, after collecting food on the banks of the park, each squirrel chose a place to store his treasure. Then they left the park and for a few days they had the squirrels away. They returned to the park and most animals easily found their corners.

According to Lucia Jakobs, this behavior means that squirrels have a map on the head. Now in addition, the trials focus on the natural homes of squirrels.

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