
Strategy of the Kakalardo Pelotari

2002/08/07 Elhuyar Zientzia

But not the one who uses to make balls, but the one who uses to breathe without losing water. In fact, insects lose a lot of water every time they breathe, and beetles that inhabit dry areas of South Africa are no exception. However, these breathe unlike other beetles. Instead of letting the air disperse by all the pores they have in the lumbar area, they only have one open. The air follows the same route as in all beetles, but it comes back out of the entrance area. In other beetles, the air enters through some pores and leaves for others.

According to the researchers, this particular strategy allows the pelotero beetle to lose less humidity, even though they have not yet understood the mechanism.

The research has been published in the journal Journal of Experimental Biology on 15 August.

More information on the website of Marcus Byrne

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