Last Munibe Prize of the Faculty of Chemistry Juan Colmenero
1999/11/01 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In the Faculty of Chemistry of the UPV/EHU there is a department called “Materials Physics”. In addition to other small research groups, two main groups work. The first, which studies condensed matter from a theoretical point of view, is directed by Professor Pedro Etxenike.
The other analyzes the physical properties of polymers and leads Professor Juan Colmenero, last prize Munibe. This award awarded annually by the Royal Society of Friends of the Country has already been received by the directors of both groups. For his part, Jesus Mari Ugalde complements the list of researchers from the same center who have received the same award.
In the opinion of Colmenero, in addition to other quality tests, he also recognizes that “this faculty is a leader in research in both the UPV and the Basque Country”. For this, one of the keys has been the specialization of the Faculty, since there is no other specialty in polymers in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country or in Spain. Polymers, molecules capable of forming long chains, have acquired great importance in current technologies and in basic science. Hive fears losing that specificity in the new curricula that are about to come.
Non-crystalline polymers
His research team focuses on the study of non-crystalline polymers, i.e. polymers without ordered molecular chains. “Most polymers are non-crystalline,” says Colmenero, “there are a few with a certain degree of crystalline and very few have fully ordered chains.” The fact that a material has ordered molecules makes them not move. On the contrary, the molecules of non-crystalline materials have a great capacity of movement and therefore of absorption of impact energy. Therefore, non-crystalline solids are more flexible and generally better meet the mechanical properties required by technology.
In the Faculty of Chemistry there are many chemicals working in the field of polymers, both in chemical synthesis and characterization, chemical properties study, etc. However, Colmenero misses global projects in which experts from different fields collaborate. “Our group maintains close relations with German and/or Madrid groups,” he acknowledges. “But the important thing is to start working together.”
Donostia International Physic Center Foundation
Currently one of the tasks of Juan Colmenero is the Foundation Donostia International Physic Center.
It was born at the proposal of Pedro Etxenike, who is coming forward between two physicists. They want it to be the arrangement of an idea that developed at the school of Trieste (Italy). The main objective is the “internationalization” of science in Euskal Herria, especially of Gipuzkoa and San Sebastián.
This means opening more doors to relationships with external research groups. Within this objective, it will try to finance short stays of elite scientists, so that new projects and collaborations with local groups can emerge. On the other hand, encourage longer stays of non-elite but high-level researchers of one or two years. To a lesser extent, they also want to offer help for people here to move abroad, since at a lower level they can receive help from other sources. Finally, another important objective is the organization of specialized workshops that, above all, can provide scientists of great interest or experts on the topics to be investigated, to treat scientists from different areas. The advantage of the workshops against the congresses is that only fifteen to twenty people participate, which allows a greater debate on the topics. On the other hand, Colmenero has told us that “those of us who dream want the Foundation to become the future institute of Basque science”.
During the month of July the necessary channeling work for the creation of the Institute was exceeded. The Department of Education of the Basque Government has collaborated in the remodeling of an old school building. Therefore, the headquarters will be located on the campus of Donostia itself.
In the opinion of Colmenero, as a member of the University Foundation, the advantage is that he will have the opportunity to work within the university world, using local libraries, computer network, etc.

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