
Amazing powers of sweat

2003/07/06 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Are you soaked? Don't worry, you already know that sweating is one of the mechanisms to maintain a proper body temperature. If it were not for sweat, there would be danger that body temperature will rise too much. However, helping to refresh is not the only function of sweat, but it has other effects. After knowing them, the suppressed reader can be quieter and someone decides not to use the same deodorant.
Girls to the boy: "Do you know what I like most about you? It's not your eyes, nor your smile; it's your sweat, dear one"

In the sweat, together with water, salts and toxins are eliminated. And also the pheromones. Pheromones are odorless substances that, apparently, can alter the behavior and physiological response of others. Many pheromones have been identified in animals, both in insects and mammals, and researchers believe that they also exist in humans. With the aim of knowing the nature and effects of Pheromone, many researchers are working and some of them are dedicated to sweating.

Lately, on the basis of the supposed capacity of pheromones, several pheromones have come on the market that, according to advertising, will attract those of the other sex without any special essay.

Although it has not been shown that what the authors of these perfumes say is true, in recent years scientific journals of great credibility have appeared scientific research on the effects of pheromones. For example, in 1998 the prestigious journal Nature published that human pheromones influenced regulation of the rule. This explained why the rule of women living together is synchronized. A year later, the journal Nature Genetics published a new study on the identification of human pheromone receptors.

Dotes of male armpit

If you don't shower in the street now, you'll cover more than playing elegant and with a shampoo smell.

Researchers have continued to work on fire and have now announced that male sap pheromones can serve to treat fertility problems. As if it were not enough, it has also been said that smelling the axilla of men is relaxing for women. They are not the poplars, our persevering guys and the heat puppies, what dotes has its sweat!

The research has been conducted in the U.S., at the Monell Chemical Thought Center in Pennsylvania. According to the head of research, pheromones that are capable of influencing the brain and body from which he forgets are secreted, even if he does not know. To demonstrate this, pheromones have been extracted from the sweat of the axilla of men, camouflaged with perfume, and delivered to voluntary women to smell.

These women have had to smell the pheromones for six hours. At the same time, researchers have measured in the female blood the amount of LH hormones involved in regulation of the rule. This hormone is secreted by the pulsed brain and, as the time of ovulation approaches, increases the frequency of the pulses and, in addition, secretes more amount of hormones in each pulse. Well, as the researchers have seen, the smell of pheromones anticipates the next pulse.

In animals, it has long been shown the participation of pheromones in reproduction.

In addition, women pointed out that by doing the test they lost nervousness and relaxed and relaxed completely. Both effects, both the increase in hormonal flow and the advancement and relaxation, are considered by researchers as remains of the ancient man. Want to be a sample of our wildest side?

Remembrance of the men of the caves

During the time when humans lived in caves, men and women had no chance of being together. Therefore, it was beneficial for these women to have a mechanism that would allow them to be willing to be fertilized at any time. According to the scientists, the female reproductive system evolved to achieve this; undoubtedly, the increase in levels of reproductive hormones in the smell of man would be very useful for that woman and for the human species. Therefore, thanks to the pheromones, the human beings of the caves had more possibilities of reproduction.

All this is a mere scientific speculation, but it seems very probable. Feromon's sedative effect coincides with what they propose: if women are quiet, they admit the man to their side more easily than when they are nervous. This also means an increase in reproductive possibilities.

Feromon brings together the menstruations of women who live together.

According to the researchers, therefore, pheromones are remains that have left us the ancestors and are very valuable to guarantee fertility. This idea, however, puts the vision of the current society on relations between men and women upside down. And it is that, from the point of view of today's society, these relations are born with total freedom, and the aim of the relationship does not have to be reproduction.

In any case, research can be encouraging for some people with difficulties in having children. The researchers hope that the identification, isolation, study and transformation of pheromones will allow the development of effective drugs to increase fertility. They say that so far scientists have sought, among other things, in the jungle, in the sea and in animals, the tractor components of this type of medicine. But they just had to look under their arm!

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