The most precious treasure of the sea: seafood
1999/01/01 Lorenzo, Arantza | Uranga, Ane Miren Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

This time we will talk about the Christmas we have just spent and the precious seafood of most special celebrations. Like the ancient Greeks and Romans we taste their delicious flavors. They also offer us a unique opportunity, both in a simple and complex way, as in raw, cooked, grilled, fried… or in broth, in salad and many other dishes.
Seafood is invertebrate marine animals that are grouped into two groups: crustaceans and molluscs. Crustaceans are characterized by their hard or soft cover, two antennas and legs symmetrically separated (not always the same). The prawns, lobsters, prawns, castles, cigalas, crabs, lobster, centollo, nécora, percebe and sea ox belong to this group. Molluscs, on the other hand, are soft tegument animals, usually covered with symmetrical shell. Clams, mussels, lirons, cockles, oysters, glasses, lapas, cokeels and sea snails are molluscs of these characteristics, and although their appearance is different, squid, octopus and cuttlefish are also molluscs.

The first requirement to be able to consume it is to be FRESH, since they spoil very quickly. So eat the same day or at most the next day and if your intention is not, freeze it as soon as possible.
Here are some simple tips to consider when preparing seafood. Before preparing it, it is left in brine for a while, leaving the sand it may have. If you're going to eat raw, look! It may contain bacteria that can harm health. If you have to cook, you have very little time until you open the leaflets. On the other hand, we inform you that crustaceans with hard bark should be bought alive and boiling in salt water and have more time than the rest, especially lobster and lobster. Small mollusks such as prawns, prawns, etc., grilled are also rich.

As for nutritional characteristics, all seafood is suitable, but do not think that the best are the most paid. In fact, the cheapest (mussels, clams, clams and squids) are the richest in iron, selenium, iodine and zinc. Seafood, containing protein, is classified into plastic foods, but it should be noted that for people with a high level of uric acid this type of protein is bad. On the other hand, they do not provide much energy, because they have very little fat and do not contain carbohydrates.
Finally, we will not say that you have to eat a seafood dish every week, but they offer a great opportunity to accompany some meals, such as rice or spaguetis with mussels, in any fish sauce with clams and clams, or simply, as you like or better.

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