
Insomnia: a tough night fight

2002/10/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Without being able to sleep one night, half awake or half sleep, it is not a thing of anyone, because the next morning we get up from bed without resting. But when insomnia (or insomnia) becomes a day-to-day, better said, night count, the problem can become serious.

What is insomnia?

This is called both difficulty falling asleep and waking up at night or before sounding the awakeners in the morning. It can happen in a single day, even several consecutive days, often for a specific cause. But the problem can become chronic.

And when should insomnia be important? In case of not being able to sleep more than 15 days, it is advisable to go to a specialist to analyze it if necessary in a Sleep Unit. In this unit, once each case is investigated, diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

For little-known reasons, women have a higher propensity to insomnia from the center of life (from age 40).

What are the symptoms?

Sleep disturbance produces a number of symptoms, but the greatest are anxiety, nervousness, apathy, irritability, fatigue, weakness, daytime sleep, and mood for depression.

What can be done to prevent them?

  • Calcium deficiency can cause insomnia. Therefore, taking hot milk (a cup) before bedtime is beneficial, as calcemia (blood calcium level) gradually increases.
  • Take certain habits at both bedtime and bedtime.
  • The room is very important. The room should be well ventilated, not too hot or too cold. No noise or excess light. That bed linen is made with natural fabrics, comfortable and pleasant, and that the blankets of the bed are not too heavy.
  • Beware of hypoglycemia. Do you have low blood sugar? If so, control. In the long run, this will make you lose sleep and have difficulties.

What to do before going to bed?

  • Take a hot bath before getting into bed. If the music is soft and relaxing, better.
  • Avoid stimulating drinks, tea, coffee or queues, especially during dinner. They can be replaced by infusions with blessed herb ( Valeriana officinalis), lemon flavored verbena, passion flower or lime.
  • An early dinner and a light dinner are recommended to make digestion easy and timely, although it is not advisable to go to bed hungry.
  • Exercise but to the extent necessary. A quick gymnastics session of 20 minutes or a walk can be very appropriate.
  • Eliminate your inner concerns and emotions. This frees your mind and will help you rest at night.
  • When lying down, you should think of places, experiences and pleasant situations.
  • Give your partner a light, soft and relaxing massage. Will it benefit you and who knows? Maybe...

What if the above measures do not work?

As we age, we increasingly need fewer hours of sleep.

In addition to these simple and simple measures, there are medicines. However, pharmacological treatment should always be behind a diagnosis, after proper analysis of the patient. Each case is different, has special characteristics and treatment should always be individualized and under medical control.

On the other hand, there are psychological practices or behaviors that do not have any contraindications (such as the traditional “habit of counting sheep”). Some of them, which can be performed successively:

  • Lying face up on the bed, place the palms of your hands down on the sheet. Tips slightly separated to the sides, but without any force.
  • Place the gaze at a fixed point, for example, where the wall and ceiling meet. With your eyes open, let them close when you feel like it or need it.
  • Breathe deeply, if possible from your own belly, like a sleeping person. Then let your breath take its normal rhythm.
  • Repeat the review from head to toe, releasing all muscles and letting them rest.
  • The body should be on the bed but with the muscles resting.
  • Become aware of your body parts: one arm first, one arm later, one leg, the other. You have to realize that they really weigh, they are heavy.
  • Do not seek sleep. He will come, and even if he does not come, in those 10-15 minutes, with relaxation, you will rest.

Why does it happen?

The inability to fall asleep can be due to emotional tensions such as a work problem or a family member's health problem. This insomnia is, logically, ephemeral, the one that ends when the problem disappears. If you're in this case, don't rush when you're spinning around the problem. A relaxation session between 15 and 20 minutes before bed each day will also help you a lot.

Psychopathological causes Depression, stress, anxiety, psychological problems, in short, insomnia are frequent. In these cases psychotherapy is recommended.

Certain drugs are used to treat alterations of the thyroid gland, dilating bronchi (in respiratory problems), drugs that raise blood pressure or certain diuretics can cause insomnia. So if you take any of these medicines and have difficulty falling asleep, tell your doctor to change it.

Some pathologies can also cause painful diseases (rheumatism, for example) and respiratory difficulties.

Age We don't know very well why, but as we get older, we increasingly need fewer hours of sleep.

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