
In the audiovisual era Elhuyar. Science and Technology

1997/11/01 Mujika, Alfontso - Elhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Yes reader, we cannot deny it. In addition to listening again and again, we who have young children have the opportunity to remember that we are daily in the audiovisual era. Television, video and radio are the main sources of information. But not the only ones! Those of us who work in Elhuyar know that these means are very important and we do not have them at all abandoned.

Ereria Eustaquio.

Just look at our activities to check that it is so. The programs and collaborations we make on the radio are a clear example of this. And also the television programs that we have proposed to increase scientific outreach that have not yet seen the light.

However, Elhuyar. The role of Zientzia eta Teknika magazine in this environment? Why and why maintain such a magazine in the current market? Is it worth it?… No doubt YES!

Why? Because we Basques have the right to be informed of what is happening in the world of science. In addition, this information generated contains components that do not come from outside: First hand knowledge of Basque scientific production. Elhuyar therefore has two added values. Sciences and Techniques: Basque Language and Culture. We should not sleep. We have to improve the magazine Aurrera begira with content and appearance, in addition to incorporating new segments of readers as young people adapting the product for them.

But the team's efforts in the magazine (contacts, colleagues, information networks, credibility, etc.) should go further and take advantage of other scientific outreach resources. We have experience in this: television programs, radio program Norteko Ferrokarrila, supplement Izarren Hautsa in Euskaldunon Egunkaria, conference cycles, etc.

It is very positive that the information center on science and technology ZETIAZ has been developing for three years a pilot experience in the field of scientific communication, with the collaboration of CICYT. In this area, our main challenge is to produce a scientific information television program. And in that we are, also taking care of the new branches that grow in the shade of the magazine, knowing that, in any case, the trunk will keep the tree.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago

Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia