Virtuality of students and teachers
2003/04/01 Andonegi Beristain, Garazi - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa | Atxotegi Alegria, Uhaina - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In fact, today, if a computer is available at home, the student will not necessarily have to go to school, since from there he will be able to receive classes.

On 5 May 2000, the Basque Government presented the European e-learning initiative. The project is structured into four main axes. On the one hand, multimedia computers will be distributed in the educational world to connect to the digital network and improve access. On the other hand, new technologies will modify the organization, methods, structures and contents of educational programs, as well as the relationship between students and teachers. In addition, e-learning serves to enhance job orientation services and distribute information on ongoing training opportunities and skills required in the labour market. And finally, this project serves to connect virtual spaces and campuses and create networks between universities, schools and schools.
Advantages of the innovative method
Who is this virtual teaching aimed at? To students with difficulties adapting to the schedule of the courses, especially those who have the center at a distance. In short, this new learning method is aimed primarily at any student who has difficulty attending class.
One of the advantages of the e-learning system is that it allows the student to work on topics better. The user can perform the exercises he considers necessary as many times as he wishes, without limited schedules or need of specific equipment.
The teacher communicates with the student through a platform. Tutoring is done through this system. The student introduces his/her work to the LMS platform and the teacher can read it directly. Among other things, you can see how much work you do and how often, assess the results of the exercises and analyze the time the student needs to perform the exercises.

The student will also receive the teacher's answers and requests through this platform. If you have any questions, in addition to the teacher, your colleagues can also respond via email, chat or discussion forum.
In October 2002, the Elgoibar Machine Tool Institute (IMH) launched these technical e-learning courses on the Internet. It has been offering some of the classes that this centre has taught to date in its headquarters for over a year. In addition, it is the first center that has begun to offer these topics in this new system.
The average duration of the course is two months. The 40-hour Training Credit is approximately 40 hours. Once this deadline has expired, through the IMH website and using the personal code, the student will be able to use the multimedia material they want. At the moment, among other things, you can learn CNC programming for Fagor 8050 lathe and milling machine at the IMH school in Elgoibar through e-learning, as well as Pneumatic and Electroneumatic.
In this sense, it is worth mentioning the e-gela project launched by the Department of Education of the Basque Government. These rooms are equipped with several computers and an interactive whiteboard. These boards, through a new software, allow to store the written in them. That is, if the teacher sees that the writing on the blackboard is correct, by an order, the blackboard is stored on the computers. Therefore, the student is only facilitated by the work. The teacher will be able to record on his computer what is written on the blackboard and will not have to take notes.
Another advantage e-gela offers is slate software. It is difficult to follow a subject on the computer because you do not see what the teacher does on the screen and with the mouse. And the same happens when learning a new computer program. In this case, on interactive whiteboards, through a pointer, you can click and so the student can know where the teacher steps at all times and where moves with the mouse.

In addition to these resources, e-classrooms have communication software between classrooms. This way, these classrooms are able to communicate over the Internet with a network of centers. At the present time this pilot project has been launched in ten CAPV schools: IEFPS Bidasoa, IEFPS Usurbil GLHBI, Tolosaldea GLHBI, Miguel Altuna GLHBI, IES Machine Tool, IEFPS School of Armoury, IEFPS Nicolas Larburu GLHBI, Elorrieta Erreka Mari GLHBI
In addition, in e-classrooms, the video conferencing system allows centers to distribute the image, sound and content. Centers connect to each other through the network. Although the same can be done from the Internet, this option has been ruled out for its slowness. With the network, however, the image and sound are collected almost at the same time. The video conferencing classroom also manages images of several centers. To do this, small windows open on the same screen or the one that takes the word appears in the center of the screen.
There is no doubt that the smooth operation of e-learning and e-gela projects will allow easy dissemination. Yes, students do not think they can rejoice with these advances and facilities.
Digital security in the e-learning systemAll computer applications that have become common in our society make it necessary to work on the concept of digital security, as long as you want to ensure the confidentiality and availability of information. Unfortunately, this section has worked very little compared to the use of technological advances. Therefore, Tolosaldea L. Superior wants to start working on the path of security. H. The Institute, together with S21Sec, a pioneer in the world of digital security, and VICOMtech, with extensive experience in e-learning studies, is developing a digital security project. Initially, the project will be oriented to the world of education, but in the future it is planned to extend it to all small businesses. Precisely, one of the objectives is to carry out a diagnosis on the state of digital security of the centers and the subsequent design of action plans based on the information obtained. Do not forget that the digital security course will be developed in the e-learning system and therefore will be available in the e-classrooms that will be created shortly. In this way, all vocational training centers will have the opportunity to know and use the e-learning system and gradually will strengthen the culture of security. |

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