
Spectacular images captured by the friendly Hubble

2002/05/02 Elhuyar Zientzia

The Hubble is the best ultraviolet optical telescope in the world, more since it has been placed by the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). Thanks to this camera, NASA astronomers have so far received the farthest images from the universe, as Hubble's reach is now ten times better. It must be recognized that these images may like anyone because they are very beautiful. Astronomers are also delighted, not so much for their aesthetic beauty, but for their representativeness. For example, some of the photographs serve to understand the origin of the universe (due to its remoteness, antiquity).

Among the most surprising photos are the previous four. The Starry Horn Galaxy (UGC10214), called ‘Zapaburua’, ensures that it will collide like an artificial firewheel into an area of 6,000 galaxies. This red mountain of gas and dust is the Cone nebula, considered by astronomers as the “cousin” of the famous Arran nebula, trapped in 1995 by Hubble. The next photo is the Omega or M17 nebula, and along with the newly born stars that can be seen, NASA believes that new planetary systems will be created. In the latter one sees the clash between two spiral galaxies. Astronomers have called it ‘Saguak’ and claim that within billions of years the evolution of our galaxy (the Milky Way) and the nearby Andromeda constellation may be so similar.

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