Homeopathy is no more effective than placebo, according to a study conducted in Australia
2016/02/23 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A study commissioned by the Australian Department of Health analyses the effectiveness of homeopathy in 68 diseases. They conclude that none of them is more effective than placebo.
The Department of Health considers homeopathy as an alternative medicine. According to him, homeopaths believe that the more diluted a substance is in water, the greater the ability to cure symptoms. Most homeopathic medicines have been diluted several times, so that in the final preparation there is hardly any substance or substance left.
The research has considered 167 studies that have analyzed the efficacy of this type of treatment. In total there are 68 diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, chemotherapy stomatitis, malaria and AIDS. And the result is clarifying: In none of these 68 diseases homeopathy has been more effective than placebo.
It should be noted that the two hospitals in the Australian healthcare system use homeopathy and that many doctors prescribe homeopathic treatments to their patients. Faced with this situation, the research team warns that homeopathy can be dangerous. In fact, the use of homeopathy can mean the exclusion or delay of a safe and effective treatment, so the health of the person who believes in the healing power of homeopathy can be in serious danger.

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