
Closer to the AIDS vaccine

2002/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Several laboratories around the world are trying to get a vaccine against the most widespread type of AIDS virus in Africa. Among them, the most advanced vaccine is the international AIDS vaccine initiative, which has just begun the second phase of clinical trials in London and Oxford.

The vaccine being tested consists of two parts: the first contains genetic information about the virus and prepares the immune system; the second increases the immune response. On the other hand, by not carrying the virus that produces live AIDS, participants in the test are not put in danger.

In this second phase, safety studies are carried out and the dose, the number of punctures and the appropriate schedules are determined. And it is that the dosage and the model of incorporation are decisive to know if it is appropriate or not to distribute in places with limited resources.

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