Possible impact of hydrogen
2003/06/17 Elhuyar Zientzia

Hydrogen can be an alternative energy source, experts say. They have great hope that this gas, used as fuel, will be oxidized by hydrogen, producing water in this process. This means that no hazardous waste is generated, so it is a clean fuel for the environment. But now there are scientists who have doubts about this idea.
What if hydrogen were our main source of energy? In this case, a lot of hydrogen would have to be burned, so the infrastructure would have to be completely adapted. Small-scale testing, for example in a laboratory, is not the same as producing hydrogen in large quantities. According to scientists, industrial production is not entirely efficient, so there would be a high emission of hydrogen into the atmosphere.
The consequences of these discharges have been analyzed: hydrogen would reach the stratosphere and its ozone would oxidize. If this happens, in addition to affecting the ozone layer, the atmosphere cools and many clouds would occur.
The influence of hydrogen is difficult due to the many factors involved, but experts believe that one way or another could harm the environment.

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