
Science of the Southern Basque Country: clinical picture

1995/06/01 Ugalde, Unai Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

This title seems an introduction to a defeatist analysis. But you are a moment before reaching the conclusions. Before orienting any formation it is necessary to accurately analyze all the symptoms of the disease. Then you will see if there is solution! For historical reasons, Euskal Herria has been located in Spain in the world of science. Spain made the decision of the XVI. In the eighteenth century, when the Contrareforma movement against the Reform of Martin Luther took place.

All the activities of the University remained under the Dogma of the Church, prohibiting debate and experimental research. Thus, Spain XVII. He renounced the discoveries of the nineteenth century and in the same sense also the advances of the Industrial Revolution of the twentieth century. From being one of the most terrifying empires, Spain became a poor secondary trailer in the technological field. And of course, also in economics.

In this situation, instead of promoting local research and generating technology, it has been brought from outside and the training of researchers in the Spanish state has been very bad. After the Second World War until 1978, in the Spanish state 0.3% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was used for research, compared to 1,8-2% of other advanced countries. In general, six out of ten companies officially used the patent or foreign processes, many shot.

At present, after an apparent improvement, Spain has reached 0.82% of GDP in research expenditure, while the most advanced countries in Europe are around 2.1%. However, it must be said that in Spain only companies make 8% of research expenditure, while in the United States it is 37% and in Japan 43%. Therefore, the research carried out is not related to work in the company, nor will it have in the future a direct relationship with economic wealth. The effort of politicians remains unrooted in the desert created by the Contrareforma.

Unfortunately, Hego Euskal Herria is not the middle of Spain. Due to the political situation, until 1978 a Public University of the Basque Country (wills) could not be created, and the research projects that were carried out accounted for 6% of what was done in Spain, although it generated about 20% of GDP and was one of the highest rents per person. To date, the research entity “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas” has no headquarters or laboratory in Hego Euskal Herria, despite having more than 3,000 researchers and 10,000 employees throughout the State.

Since the creation of the Basque Government great efforts have been made to revitalize research and technology, even if it is actions and not a special and global plan. As long as it does not acquire competences for research, Hego Euskal Herria will continue in the dynamics of the general plan of Spain and, as long as this situation does not change, the imbalances that have been generated previously will remain in the same way that until now remain fixed.

Thus, we can say that the Clinical Table mentioned in the title is quite worrying. However, there are solutions.

Just as the counter-form was harmful, we can take historical measures to improve the scientific and technological situation of the Basque Country.

  1. Promote education in a special way (at all levels) to improve the level of learning each student receives. Our first goal should be to create a quality scientific mass.
  2. The Basque territory should have its own scientific policy.
  3. Each researcher should be closely monitored from public institutions to increase improvement through personal relationships.
  4. In the next 25 years Euskal Herria should invest 3% of GDP in research, and part of business projects should reach 25% in that period.

The Science of Hego Euskal Herria does not work very well, but if we understand well its historical importance we will complete it.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago

Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia