Some birds explain how they lose the penis
2013/06/11 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Some birds, like those of chicken, have a common penis in embryonic phase, but their mature organ has not been developed. Now, researchers at the University of Florida have clarified why this happens in an article published in the journal Current Biology. It is explained that in the development of these birds a genetic mechanism is launched to stop the development of the penis.
Specifically, this mechanism is controlled by the Bmp gene, which when activated increases cellular mortality in the head of the penis and decreases the organ. In species where the Bmp gene is not activated, organ development is normal.
But why do chickens lose their penis? The researchers wanted to answer this question and, according to them, it seems that this loss is an advantage for hens, who have a greater capacity for reproductive control. They also point out that research helps to better understand the causes of some malformations.
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