Text written in Basque and translated automatically by Elia without any subsequent editing. SEE ORIGINAL
How should children sleep?
1992/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
So far it seemed that the best sleeping position in newborn children was face down. However, doubts have arisen in recent months.

At a press conference organized by the North American Academy of Sciences, Dr. John Brooks, based on a series of surveys around the world, has offered a series of tips to prevent the sudden and unjustified death of newborn children:
- There seems to be less danger than when you sleep on one side of your body or face up, when you sleep face-up.
- About 90% of deaths occurred within six months of birth. According to John Brooks: "When the child is 5 months old he will decide in what position he sleeps and not the father. Therefore, the council is only valid for the first five months.
- Children with breathing problems or tendency to vomit, better to sleep face down.
- This should not generate alarm psychosis, that is, the parents do not have to take care of the child all night.
However, not everyone agrees with these advice. According to Dr. Susan Orenstein, "children who sleep face-up may suffer pneumonia or die."

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