
If you want to become pregnant, start as soon as possible

2002/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to a study published in the prestigious European journal of reproductive medicine, Human Reproduction, female and male fertility begins to decline sooner than expected: male fertility begins to decline before age 40 and female fertility at age 30. So far, however, the decline was thought to begin 10 years later.

According to the researchers, starting to reduce female fertility before age 30 does not mean that anyone who wants to become pregnant about 30 years is less likely, but will need two or three months more than 20 years to fulfill their desire. It seems that the possibility of fertilization is reduced within each menstrual cycle.

However, it should be noted that the 782 couples who have participated in the study used the natural method of family planning, which can affect the results. In short, the sample selected for the study does not represent the whole society.

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