Flesh: Myth of Strength (I)
1999/02/01 Lorenzo, Arantza | Uranga, Ane Miren Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

How many times have we heard parents or grandparents "eat meat to be strong" or "get sick"? This is arranged with a steak of meat". With this, on the one hand, the importance of meat in the past is indicated. On the other hand, the saying of "strength" undoubtedly referred to health. In fact, at that time the meat was a luxurious dish that was given to those who did a lot of physical strength at home or at home and who had poor health.
But today we have other things. On the one hand, we have more facility to obtain meat, but on the other hand, the problems generated in its production and commercial interests generate doubts in consumers. There is no more to remember the distrust that the pest of mad cows has generated in the consumption of beef and, therefore, the increase in the consumption of another type of meat.
Meat is, by itself, a suitable food for health, if consumed with moderation and variety. It is very rich in proteins, so it is a food of great importance, since through them it offers us all the amino acids for the recycling of proteins of our tissues. But in addition to proteins, it has many saturated fats, and the amount of cholesterol is not negligible, and does not contain carbohydrates.
Classification Classification

Each type of meat has its specific characteristics, which are described in the following number, but the classification used is as follows:
- Red meat: beef of oxen, bulls, cows, horses and sheep. In any case it will be more than a year of cattle.
- Black meat: meat of hunting animals.
- White meat: veal (less than a year), lamb, rabbit, chicken, pork, turkey and duck.
Preparation of preparation Preparation

There are certainly many ways to cook meat, but we want to say two words about it. If the grilled or grilled meat is prepared, it loses many ingredients. When the fat is quickly heated it melts and leaves the muscles and when it is removed with water carry the food. When the preparation is longer (cooked by air, baked, chopped...) and, therefore, with less heat, it loses less substances.
Therefore, you know, meat is part of the diet and can be eaten three or four times a week, but that is, alternating different types of meat.

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