More than Gould
2002/01/01 Irazabalbeitia, Inaki - kimikaria eta zientzia-dibulgatzaileaElhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The conference was intense and had the presence of thirty congressmen who had the opportunity to hear solid reasons and strengths. The debate was rich and massive. What a shame! We should throw two straws depending on the origin of the collected. No journalists or professors of journalism attended. We also saw the lie of the editors of the Basque publishers. Consequently, we are in business, professors and students of the University of Sciences (Madrid) and some professors of Iral. Insufficient market for the abundant harvest offered.

We should reflect on why only a part of the target audience has approached and why Euskaldunon Egunkaria has not followed up similar to other initiatives organized by the EIE. As a hypothesis I can say that science is not culture or scientific prose, at least for some it is not prose. In that case, they should reflect and reflect, because it seems to me that they are wrong, without any intention of throwing the ball to anyone's roof.
As has been said, strong motives were expelled and I bring here some of them. José Ramón Etxebarria made a history of Basque scientific prose. He extended Prehistory until 1970 and declared that real history began in that year. He graduated in university EKT. Two arguments were, on the one hand, that they were the first collective efforts to deal with scientific issues in Basque and, on the other, that have not been suspended. He also stressed the need for simultaneous emergence in different places in the Basque Country. For Etxebarria, the previous efforts did not have these characteristics. Kepa Altonaga exposed his doubts in the debate and raised the question of whether the doctors who wrote the Eskualduna publication, including Jean Etxepare, did not constitute a diachronic collective activity.
Andoni Ibarra spoke of the convenience of creating scientific slang or creole when interdisciplinary scientific practices are proposed, through short and intense communication.
Pili Calzada, after reviewing the characteristics of scientific communication, proposed the creation of a Basque Center for Scientific Outreach. This center would be responsible for socializing the scientific and technological production of the Basque Country and, in some way, to publicize Basque science and technology among citizens. In his opinion, 'it is easier to know NASA than Tekniker's, here in Eibar'.
Andoni Sagarna spoke about the prose style on the Internet and exposed its main features. He said a new way of organizing and giving information is needed. This style will be closer to that used in current newspapers than to the traditional sequential way of organizing information.
He asked if at the end of the congress any of them had brought Gould to Congress. The truth is that the only media echo that the Congress has had has been Gould's presentation and the above can be concluded. But what impact would Gould have without coming? On the other hand, Gould has been very satisfied by his welcome in Euskal Herria and has entered the cave of Ekain, led by Jesús Altuna. I have no doubt that Gould is going to be a good propagandist for the Basques as they move forward, and we need many. I think it was worth it.

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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia