Lethal glucose
2001/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

One study shows that half of British adults have too much glucose in their blood and have a high risk of developing an infarction. The research is part of a European research project on cancer and food and has revealed the existence of several risk groups not considered diabetic.
The researchers have found that if the blood glucose level increases all the factors that can cause death are aggravated and, among all, the risk of suffering an infarction is the one that increases the most. 82% of the deaths studied had to do with a high blood glucose level, although all were below the minimum glucose level to be diabetic.
In view of all this, the researchers have drawn two main conclusions: that the high level of glucose is a factor as important as high blood pressure and cholesterol in the heart, and that non-diabetics.

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