
More widespread reproduction problems than expected in men

1999/06/27 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Seeing that no child arrives for effort, it is common in couples to come to ask for help from sexologists or doctors. In most of these cases, concern is especially in women. "Am I sterile?" "I am insignificant, because I have never been able to have children!" or “I’m not an entire woman!” phrases and thoughts are very common. Reality, however, does not say so, the reproductive problems of women and men are very similar, especially in quantitative terms.

To say that there are real reproductive problems, experts analyze the period of one year in which the couple, of course, should not use any type of contraceptive. According to the statistics of the cases that have gone through this situation, between 35% and 40% of the fertility problems are due to the problems of men, a percentage similar to that of women and 20-30% to the combination of the problems of both. Therefore, according to statistics, in terms of fertility problems, the situation between men and women is comparable. That bringing children is a matter of couple, which can not be blamed on one or the other!

The seed of man has approximately 200 million sperm at the time of his ejaculation. In most cases, of these sperm, 15-45 million are able to fertilize the ovum, although after ejaculation, there are only about 400 live. Of these 400, about 40 are those that approach the proximities of the egg and, in general, the only one that enters and fertilizes the egg.

Live healthy, your sperm will thank you

Although the causes of most of the reproductive problems of men are well known, the reasons behind these causes are not always so clear. Many times the psychological circumstances prevent physicists and in these cases it is difficult to diagnose one or another cause. Consequently, the adoption of the necessary measures is also more difficult.

However, the causes of a low number of sperm, the presence of slow sperm, or the presence of sick sperm, are generally genetic, physiological, or habits of life. Medicine and science have allowed progress in the resolution of the fertility problems of men. When invented, the lives of many men and many couples change radically.

At present, 1 in 25 men can have reproductive problems and although they can receive support from health services, often adopting a positive attitude and taking healthier living habits, reproductive problems can be cured spontaneously. As a well-known doctor says, "there is always time to take strict measures, let's start with soft treatments…".

So, some tips that can help bring a child and live healthier in general are:

  • Stop tobacco. The influence of tobacco is related to the low number of sperm and the low quality of sperm. According to some experts, marijuana may have the same influence.
  • Alcohol also stop. Alcohol prevents the seed from occurring in normal quantities. Therefore, it is more difficult to get fertilisation.
  • Take care of your apartment. Men with excess or defect of weight have more chances of suffering reproduction problems. Those who are overweight can undergo hormonal alterations, while those who are too thinned can have less sperm and be too weak.
  • Exercise with moderation. Excess physical exercise reduces testosterone levels and, consequently, decreases the number of sperm. Avoid steroids. Although steroids contribute to increased physical performance, because in the short term they produce very harmful effects, they can contract testicles and cause fertility problems.
  • Ensure the daily dose of vitamins. A low content of vitamin C and zinc can alter the composition of the seed with the effects it carries. Therefore, give importance to food.
  • Get away from toxins. People who work in construction, in factories, around agricultural chemical compounds, and who work with pesticides, lead, heavy metals or under the influence of radiation, are at risk of suffering more reproduction problems.
  • Try to live as calmly as possible, using techniques to get away from stress situations and watching with optimism the hours that come after waking up every day.

As a soft therapy is seen, a series of tips that do not harm those who do not have problems to reproduce. If these failed, it would be necessary to make the decision to come to experts, since the problem may be different.

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