First steps of the virtual man
1999/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The virtual human being able to simulate any disease or demonstrate any new medicine will be a dreamed act for researchers and pharmaceutical psychology laboratories.

Of dream yes, but not utopian, because it already has heart. The first virtual heart made by researchers from the U.S. company Physiome will be used to understand the consequences of certain rhythm changes and to test medications.
continue the ambitious virtual man project, Physiome has just met with another company specializing in mathematical calculation, PA Consulting. The next step, which researchers consider technically quite simple, is the creation of an immunity system. Afterwards, circulation and breathing systems will be formed that must be ready at the age of three and gradually all parts of the body. However, the virtual human will not form until the brain is the brain; researchers already have that challenge.

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