Kidneys on the Internet
1999/09/26 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia
In these pages it has been mentioned more than once Internet. If the memory does not fail us, an article on the curiosities that could be found on the Internet on a Sunday was also published. The most curious curiosity has appeared this week on the net. They don't have it! Put on sale a kidney.
The organ vendor, Sunrise's own citizen in Florida, published on a website dedicated to reselling the following announcement: "I sell kidney. In good condition. You can choose one of them. The buyer must pay the transplant and the costs of intervention. Sure, I have one of them, because I need the other to survive. Only serious offers". The announcement had a great impact and potential buyers came to offer $5.7 million. Since the purchase of human organs is prohibited in the United States, the owners of the website removed the ad just after they knew it. That is, what we always mention in relation to the network, be careful.
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